T2 cpmg analysis
Import the necessary libraries¶
specify path to the data file and ensure that "\\" is appended to the end of the path¶
- create an instance t1 of T1Functions
Read and convert Bruker NMR data to NMRPipe and CSDM formats: read_and_convert_bruker_data.¶
The function automatically detects and loads the variable delay list (vdlist, vplist, vclist) used in the experiment. In this case, the vclist is loaded, but vdlist terminology will be used.
- Note: the vclist contains the variable count and needs to be converted to time delay -- this will be explained in a later stage.
It returns a tuple containing three elements: a list of 1D NMR (spectra), the variable delay list (vd_list), and the complete dataset in CSDM format (csdm_ds)
Process the returned 1D NMR spectra¶
- apply the Gaussian apodisation (fwhm)
- zero-filling for increased digital resolution (zero_fill_factor)
- 0th order phase correction (ph0)
- 1st order phase correction (ph1) -- this phase correction is a bit nuanced and so far, a value of 0 - 0.6 ° has worked quite well: see the "Understanding Phasing" example under User Guide
- In applying the 1st order correction, you would have to experiment with the mentioned values to obtain a pure absorption line-shape signal
exp_spectra = []
for i, spectrum in enumerate(spectra):
if i == 0:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=285, ph1=0.195)
elif i == 1:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=295, ph1=0.1948)
elif i == 2:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=290, ph1=0.1948)
elif i == 3:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=285, ph1=0.195)
elif i == 4:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=280, ph1=0.195)
elif i == 5:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=280, ph1=0.1948)
elif i == 6:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=290, ph1=0.1948)
elif i == 7:
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=290, ph1=0.195)
else :
exp_spectrum = t1.process_spectrum(spectrum, fwhm="50 Hz", zero_fill_factor=10, ph0=292, ph1=0.1948)
Find the area under the peak of interest using the integrate_spectrum_region()
The integration function employed here integrate each spectrum using trapezoid and simpson function, respectively. ppm_start and ppm_end need to be defined as the starting and ending ppm region needed to be integrated. The integrated area of each spectrum is appended to trapz_ints and simps_ints, respectively. x_ and y_regions are regions of integration in the spectra -- needed for visuals.
- There is no difference between trapz and simps, so you would have to use either of the two in a later stage
trapz_ints = []
simps_ints = []
x_regions = []
y_regions = []
int_uncs = []
for i, exp_spectrum in enumerate(exp_spectra):
trapz_int, simps_int, x_region, y_region, int_unc = t1.integrate_spectrum_region(exp_spectrum,
ppm_start=-15, ppm_end=15)
plot_spectra_and_zoom() function¶
- creates plots of NMR spectra with both full view and zoomed regions (max and min x zoom)
- highlights the integrated x_ and y_regions on the zoomed plot
- returns maximum intensities from each spectrum (abs_ints): relevant for relaxometry just like integrated areas contained in trapz_ints and simps_ints
Convert vd list to numpy array and ensure that the list and extracted intensities and areas are of the same length¶
- The variable count list (n) imported from the file_path is converted to a numpy array
- The conversion factor 2 x D2 is applied to convert counts to time (seconds)
- where [D2 - π - D2]n is used for this conversion
- 4.86 μs delay i.e. D2 is used in the experiment and n corresponds to the variable count list containerised in the vdlist variable
- To ensure consistency, the simps_ints and abs_ints are sliced to match the length of vd_list, since sometimes the experiment is stopped when the NMR user observes that the system has completely relaxed
Note, D2 is labelled D20 in Bruker.
# Enter your D2 or D20 value in the variable D2
D2 = 4.86e-6
#vd_list imported from the file_path and converted into a numpy array
vd_list = np.array(vd_list)
vd_list = vd_list * 2 * D2
# slicing the vd_list if some data points are missing
simps_ints = simps_ints[:len(vd_list)]
abs_ints = abs_ints[:len(vd_list)]
Viusalise the list and the extracted intensities and areas¶
- the extracted areas from either trapz or simps integration and extracted max intensities of each spectrum are plotted against corresponding time in vd_list
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(vd_list, abs_ints, color='blue', label='intensity extraction')
ax.scatter(vd_list, simps_ints, color='red', label='area extraction')
# ax.errorbar(vd_list, simps_ints, yerr=int_uncs, fmt='o', color='red', label='error')
# ax.semilogy()
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=True)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$ (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Intensity (arbitrary unit)')
Single exponential fitting¶
#T1rho fitting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
output_lines = []
# Define a list of tuples for the two sets of intensities
intensity_sets = [
(simps_ints, 'Simps Area', 'Guess Curve', 'Fitted Curve', 'r'),
(abs_ints, 'Absolute Intensities', 'Guess Abs Int Curve', 'Fitted Curve Absolute Intensity', 'b')
# Initial guess parameters
T1_guess = 10.6 * 10**-3
for i, (ints, label, guess_label, fitted_label, color) in enumerate(intensity_sets):
if i ==0:
# A_guess = np.max(ints)
A_guess = 747197159
B_guess = 43
C_guess = np.min(ints)
# Scatter plot
# ax.scatter(vd_list, ints, color=color, label=label)
#scatter plot with marker having no face color
ax.scatter(vd_list, ints, color=color, marker='o', facecolors='none', label=label)
# Guess curve
guess_integrated_int = t1.mono_expdec(vd_list, T1_guess, A_guess, B_guess, C_guess)
# guess_integrated_int = t1.expdec(vd_list, T1_guess, T2_guess, T3_guess, A_guess, B_guess)
# ax.plot(vd_list, guess_integrated_int, color='brown', linestyle='--', label=guess_label, alpha=0.9)
# Fit the data
popt, pcov = curve_fit(t1.mono_expdec, vd_list, ints, p0=[T1_guess, A_guess, B_guess, C_guess])
# Save the fitted params and uncertainties
T1_fitted, A_fitted, B_fitted, C_fitted = popt
T1_unc, A_unc, B_unc, C_unc = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
#define T1 and T2
component_1 = A_fitted * (B_fitted)*np.exp(-vd_list/T1_fitted) + C_fitted
# Extract the fitted curve
fitted_curve = t1.mono_expdec(vd_list,T1_fitted, A_fitted, B_fitted, C_fitted)
ax.plot(vd_list, fitted_curve, linestyle='-', color=color, label=fitted_label)
# ax.scatter(vd_list, fitted_curve, color='black', marker='o', facecolors='none', label=fitted_label)
ax.plot(vd_list, component_1, linestyle='--', color='black', alpha=0.5, label='component_1')
# print the fitted parameters and uncertainties
print(f'T1_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {T1_fitted} ± {T1_unc}')
print(f'A_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {A_fitted} ± {A_unc}')
print(f'B_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {B_fitted} ± {B_unc}')
print(f'C_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {C_fitted} ± {C_unc}')
# #Format the string and append fitted parameters
output_lines.append(f'M0_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {A_fitted} ± {A_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'T1_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {T1_fitted} ± {T1_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'B_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {B_fitted} ± {B_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'C_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {C_fitted} ± {C_unc}\n')
#save the fitted params and uncertainties in a text file
with open(filepath+'mono_exp_fitted_params.txt', 'w') as f:
# ax.semilogy()
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$ (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Intensity (arbitrary unit)')
#plot the covariance matrix in another figure and label the axes with the fitted parameters
plt.savefig(filepath+'mono_exp_T1_fitting.svg', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(np.log(np.abs(pcov)))
ax.set_xticklabels(['T1', 'A', 'B', 'C'])
ax.set_yticklabels(['T1', 'A', 'B', 'C'])
From the fit above, it is evident that there is more than 1 T2 spin-spin relaxation time constant, so the relaxation curve will be fitted with two T2 components.
Multiple exponential fitting¶
#T1rho fitting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
output_lines = []
# Define a list of tuples for the two sets of intensities
intensity_sets = [
(simps_ints, 'Simps Area', 'Guess Curve', 'Fitted Curve', 'r'),
(abs_ints, 'Absolute Intensities', 'Guess Abs Int Curve', 'Fitted Curve Absolute Intensity', 'b')
# Initial guess parameters
T1_guess = 10.6 * 10**-3
T2_guess = 0.1 * 10**-3
for i, (ints, label, guess_label, fitted_label, color) in enumerate(intensity_sets):
if i ==0:
# A_guess = np.max(ints)
A_guess = 747197159
C_guess = 0.8
D_guess = 0.2
# Scatter plot
# ax.scatter(vd_list, ints, color=color, label=label)
#scatter plot with marker having no face color
ax.scatter(vd_list, ints, color=color, marker='o', facecolors='none', label=label)
# Guess curve
guess_integrated_int = t1.di_expdec(vd_list, T1_guess, T2_guess, A_guess, C_guess, D_guess)
# guess_integrated_int = t1.expdec(vd_list, T1_guess, T2_guess, T3_guess, A_guess, B_guess)
# ax.plot(vd_list, guess_integrated_int, color='brown', linestyle='--', label=guess_label, alpha=0.9)
# Fit the data
popt, pcov = curve_fit(t1.di_expdec, vd_list, ints, p0=[T1_guess,T2_guess, A_guess, C_guess, D_guess])
# Save the fitted params and uncertainties
T1_fitted, T2_fitted, A_fitted, C_fitted, D_fitted = popt
T1_unc, T2_unc, A_unc, C_unc, D_unc = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
#define T1 and T2
component_1 = A_fitted * (C_fitted)*np.exp(-vd_list/T1_fitted)
component_2 = A_fitted * (D_fitted)*np.exp(-vd_list/T2_fitted)
# Extract the fitted curve
fitted_curve = t1.di_expdec(vd_list,T1_fitted, T2_fitted, A_fitted, C_fitted, D_fitted)
ax.plot(vd_list, fitted_curve, linestyle='-', color=color, label=fitted_label)
# ax.scatter(vd_list, fitted_curve, color='black', marker='o', facecolors='none', label=fitted_label)
ax.plot(vd_list, component_1, linestyle='--', color='black', alpha=0.5, label='component_1')
ax.plot(vd_list, component_2, linestyle='--', color='blue', alpha=0.5, label='component_2')
# print the fitted parameters and uncertainties
print(f'T1_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {T1_fitted} ± {T1_unc}')
print(f'T2_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {T2_fitted} ± {T2_unc}')
print(f'A_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {A_fitted} ± {A_unc}')
print(f'D_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {D_fitted} ± {D_unc}')
print(f'C_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {C_fitted} ± {C_unc}')
# #Format the string and append fitted parameters
output_lines.append(f'M0_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {A_fitted} ± {A_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'T1_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {T1_fitted} ± {T1_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'T2_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {T2_fitted} ± {T2_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'D_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {D_fitted} ± {D_unc}\n')
output_lines.append(f'C_{label.lower().replace(" ", "_")}: {C_fitted} ± {C_unc}\n')
#save the fitted params and uncertainties in a text file
with open(filepath+'di_exp_fitted_params.txt', 'w') as f:
# ax.semilogy()
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$ (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Intensity (arbitrary unit)')
#plot the covariance matrix in another figure and label the axes with the fitted parameters
plt.savefig(filepath+'di_exp_T1_fitting.svg', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(np.log(np.abs(pcov)))
ax.set_xticklabels(['T1', 'T2', 'A', 'C', 'D'])
ax.set_yticklabels(['T1', 'T2', 'A', 'C', 'D'])
The nucleus studied here is 7Li and the diffusing Li species have almost similar relaxation times, which is evident from the T2 relaxation time constants and the covariance matrix plot.